Welcome Year 2009

As the New Year unfolds

May you blessed with the joy of new beginnings

Prosperity to live life to the fullest

Serene Moments to bring peace and happiness

May each new day bring for a new joy and new hopes

Happy New Year to Everyone!


Its been a very long holiday for us and this year this will be my  first post.  This morning three of us went to the nearest Jinja and offered a pray to Kamisama hoping this new year will be good for us. We hope for  Blessings and good health, and no accidents nor unwanted things to come.

Tomorrow we'll be going to Anjo City to attend for a family reunion, it will take 3 to 4 hours going there whew! very far.  And of course, I'm going to recieve my first Otoshidama which means a new year's gift recieved by children usually from relatives and grandparents and commonly money. It will go to my savings to be use when I grow up.

Meanwhile, I can stand by myself with  one hand on the wall or support and after struggling to stand I just fall down. Lately. I learn to clap my hands while watching my favorite kiddie  show but I wave goodbye to someone  only sometimes hehe. Anyway I'm doing my best to learn everything to survive so that when you come back reading my blog you will be surprise for the new development about me.

For the meantime mom is going to prepare our baggage for tommorrow so bye for now.
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