Baby's Summer Preparation


Erika putting stones inside her pool

Actually there is nothing extra ordinary, we bought a baby pool for my daughter in preparation for the coming summer and to be place in the yard. At present ... daytime is  not  that hot but we tried to put air and water on it to see Erika's reaction and as expected she was very delighted to see the penguins (drawing) inside the pool. :)


She was so happy looking for the pool full of stones.


She did not want to go with us anymore so

we give her a chance to play more with the water .

Another thing Erika enjoy is when we go shopping  she loves to ride on a cart like the one on picture below.  You can hear her voice laughing and sometimes she is making unusual sounds while moving the handle.


Meanwhile I think Erika learns to talk very fas. She talks not that perfect but you will easily understand what she wanted to tell.

Some words and thing she can say and do:

  • na na pa for inai inai pa (Japanese peek a boo)

  • mu for moon

  • naa for nai or inai (means nothing)

  • atta (she can say this word perfectly and knows when to use it which means she found something )

  • apu for apple

  • nennen means sleeping time

  • she can points me her diaper while saying "u u" for poop but sometimes theres no poop inside it

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